
Friday, October 7, 2016

Sharing the luck

Some of you out there probably know that I find a lot of four-leaf clovers. I don't know why, I just do, and I always have. My wife thinks I'm part leprechaun (I do grin and giggle a lot - maybe there's something to it).

I still feel extremely lucky and blessed when I find one -- even if it's probably just a matter of good eyesight, or patience, or being outdoors a lot, or synthetic fertilizers causing mutations. I think the first time I found a four-leaf clover, I actually found three - on the Syracuse University quad. And I gave each one to people on my floor who could use some luck at the time.

That's what's so beautiful about it to me, that I'm able to share this little piece of good fortune with someone who might find hope or solace in it.

But for the past couple of years, I've been finding like, just a ton of them. More than I can handle! I guess I'm getting better at spotting them? Plus I walk my kid to and from preschool most days, through a grassy park, and there's ample opportunity to look (she helps).

When I find one, I put it in my wallet, pressed between random foreign currencies and an old Red Sox ticket stub (the contents of my wallet might warrant their own blog post), to kind of preserve it; but at times I open up my wallet and there are literally like five or six four-leaf clovers sticking out all over the place, it's nuts.

Basically, I've got four-leaf clovers coming out of my ears and I decided it's time to share the luck beyond my immediate friends and family. So I recently started making necklaces and keychains out of the four-leaf clovers I find, and selling them on Etsy.

handmade genuine four-leaf clover necklace

Since I tend to believe there's at least some bit of divinity involved when I find a four-leaf clover -- the Irish believed the fourth leaf symbolized God's grace -- the idea of selling them really grossed me out at first. But, I realized I could sell them as jewelry and gifts and donate all the money to a couple of charities I believe do great work: Saint Jude's Children's Research Hospital and the Make-a-Wish Foundation.

So when you buy a necklace for $33, I make a $25 contribution in your name to one of those two organizations. (The remaining eight bucks covers Etsy's fees and most of the materials.)

I'm a pretty handy and crafty guy, but I'm not exactly a pro jewelry maker or anything -- there are some air bubbles and other imperfections. But, um, that's what makes them so special? Let's go with that!

So if you're looking for a pretty unique, handmade gift come Christmastime - or Valentine's Day, or graduation, or anytime someone you love is sick or could otherwise use some cheering up  - please check out my shop! Here are some of the current items for sale.